Sunday 27 July 2014


We arrived in Barcelona and immediately were impressed. Along with the awesome weather, we were getting a sore neck looking around at all the good sorts. Spent most of our days chilling at the beach and at this point of the trip, the tourist attractions like buildings and churches had become blasé.  Once place we did visit was the Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic Church designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. Construction began in 1882 and still remains unfinished as it relies on private donations to progress.  It is a UNESCI World Heritage Site and anticipated completion is 2026.

Went to a club called Razzmatazz to see headline act Diplo who we’d seen in Ibiza and were keen to throwback to our time there only to be severely disappointed as it sounded nothing like the set he’d played in Ibiza.

Our last night in Barcelona was spent at the pub sharing the yarns we’ve had over our time. That next morning, we flew to London, bound for Aussie soil.

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